I wanted to wait and post this with pictures of his baptism, but because of some family things we have changed his baptism to July. So with that said...
Karson is now EIGHT I can't believe it! We surprised him with tickets to a Jazz game with his dad. They went to the Jazz vs Kings so he got to see Jimmer play. When we surprised him we literally gave him the tickets 5 minutes before they were supposed to leave. He knew his dad was going to this game, he just didn't know he was going , and his face was priceless. I just Love this Kid.
I also let Karson have a birthday party with his friends. He was so excited that right after Christmas he made all his invitation, and wanted to pass them out right then. It was very hard for him to wait three months. And yes these were the invitation. He came up with it all on his own one night when I thought he was asleep, and as a Mom trying to encourage his creativity and thinking on his own I just had to smile and say "OKAY, good job, these are great! They sat in his room until April, and by then (Thank goodness) he decided on some different invitations.
He wanted to play basketball for his party so we took all his friends to a gym and played A BUNCH of different basketball games. Then brought them back and had pizza and cake. It all ended up being so much fun I don't think I will be able to top this party.